On the 20th April, at St. Peter's Church, Ballarat, "Tottie," eldest daughter of Mr. A. G. Garrard, School of Mines, was married by the Rev. T. P. Bennett, to Mr. Charles Marfleet, "Lincoln Grange," Yarrowalla.
The bride was given away by her father, and looked pretty in white taffeta chiffon, beautifully embroidered veil, and coronet of orange blossoms, and also carried a dainty floral horseshoe. Her sister, Miss. Edith Garrard, who acted as bridesmaid, was prettily gowned in ashes of roses crepe de chine black picture hat with white ostrich feathers, and carried a white horseshoe of choice blooms. The bride was also attended by her niece, Miss. Ena Garrard, as train bearer, who looked very sweet in creme corduroy velvet, and carried a basket of violets. Mr. Arthur Lawson, Malvern (cousin of the bridegroom), was bestman.
A Ballarat paper in a previous paragraph said:- A very pleasant afternoon was spent at "Lynden," Webster street, on the 21st April. Mrs. Robins "the hostess," entertained about 30 guests to a serviette afternoon, in honour of Miss. Tottie Garrard's marriage to Mr. Charles Marfleet. Miss. Garrard was also given a kitchen tea by her many friends of Wedderburn.